Steps of Success Trophy

Trofeul Treptele Succesului

The “Steps of Success” TV show marked the transition into the new year, 2013, having Cristian Bodnarescu as a special guest, awarding him the Steps of success trophy for his entire career.

All those who want to watch the first biography about the poet Cristian Bodnarescu, the interview coordinated by Elena Toma, details about his career as a writer and a journalist, but also about his private life, are invited to watch the Saturday edition of the show “Steps of Success”, on January 21st 2013 (also broadcasted Sunday, January 22nd from 13 hours)!

Curier TV channel broadcasts at national level, through RDS cable network. Those interested in watching the show on Saturday should turn on their TVs or go online to beginning with 6 o’clock PM.

Elena Toma- Cristian Bodnarescu

“Congratulations, Cristian! Your poems have the sweetness of the long forgotten times and I congratulate you because you manage to transfer that period in our times which are terrible regarding the spiritual life, in which is hard to find yourself. Well, there are still Romanian artists like Cristian Bodnarescu and Ovidiu Komornyik! There is too little importance and time given by the mass media to beautiful meetings like the one between me, Ovidiu Komornyik and Cristian Bodnarescu. The purity and spirituality of our souls are slowly murdered.”

Adrian Enache, composer (TVR recording, 2009)

Elena Toma (host moderator for “The Steps of Success”)

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